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HSN Code & SAC Code

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HSN Stands for Harmonized System Nomenclature and SAC stands for Service Accounting Code. It is an internationally adopted system for commodity description and product nomenclature system developed by the World Customs Organization (WCO). It came into existence in the year 1988. In the GST regime, the goods and services in India are classified under two sections either in HSN Code system or the SAC Code System. Goods are classified under HSN and Services under SAC.

The HSN Code under GST and SAC code are used in almost 200 countries as a basis for their customs tariffs. Almost 98\\\% of all merchandise in international trade are classified under the HSN Code. Today also people are bit confused between SAC and HSN, here in this article we will understand the difference between HSN and SAC code.

Find GST Rate, HSN Code & SAC Code

Find HSN Code or ITC HS Code and their GST Rates for your product with our HSN Code Search Tool. Search by either product name or HSN Code. Use a category list as an alternative way to get to your product's HS code.